Thursday, September 20, 2012

Yoga Transcends Disciplines

I appreciate how writers are able to create parallels between seemingly unrelated concepts. I love and live yoga and business/marketing, so this piece easily caught my attention on my morning commute to work.

Here, a Fast Company writer was able to bridge yoga and business in her article, "Namaste! 5 Hot Leadership Lessons From The Moksha Yoga Studio." The five lessons are:

  1. Don't ask "If?"--ask "When?" and "How?"
  2. Recognize obstacles and strategically overcome them
  3. Create a solid foundation, then add finesse
  4. Don't lose sight of how far you've come
  5. Ignore those around you, they won't make your practice better
I encourage you to read the article for the major takeaway.

The writer's tag is "150 classes, 102 degrees, 1 business writer." These are numbers I can relate to after a 200-hour yoga teacher training certification, more heat and humidity than I want to measure...and the number one.

The concept of oneness resonates through the practice of yoga. After all, the Sanskrit word yoga means to join or to unite. In a yoga class, you can think of it as the joining together of spirits in the studio to form one community. In individual practice, you might think of it as the one [you] on your mat in this one present moment.

In business, I think of many parts working toward one goal. And as related to my work at Regis University on the brand marketing team, it made me think of our "One Regis Branding Together" blog about the brand study that the university embarked on in April 2012.

So that's how I've come to the conclusion that yoga and oneness can transcend disciplines.

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