Thursday, December 11, 2008

Teaching Yoga @ Useful Networks

In August, I met Genie at a mutual friend's birthday party in downtown Denver. She was friendly and energetic. We met while I was deep in yoga teacher training mode. Genie is all about creating opportunity. She encouraged me to teach lunchtime yoga at her workplace, Useful Networks, once a week. The programmers could use a yoga break and I could use the teaching practice. Of course, I accepted the generous offer!

Thirty-minute classes were challenging. I needed to take these programmers away from their world of code and move them into a relaxing place for them to really experience yoga. Most of the participants were completely new to yoga. Some had practiced yoga regularly for some time. Each week, there would be some familiar faces and some new faces. Overall, I could see a general improvement and increased enjoyment over time--in my students and in myself. Over time, I felt more comfortable to play with the sequence, the music and the theme.

One of my favorite classes was my 'memories of Costa Rica' theme. To celebrate my thirtieth birthday, I traveled to Costa Rica with my family. My theme covered rainforest animals. I had my class flying like birds (in prayer twists) and swinging like a monkeys (in gorilla pose). My goals were to bring awareness to spinal movement and lengthening, and to present modifications, such as flying during revolving crescent lunge, in a playful way. The theme for this class came from a genuine place, and it felt great!

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