Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yoga Teacher Training Class #3

I slacked. Maintaining a blog turned out to be a lot more work that I originally thought. Also, yoga teacher training turned out to be a lot more life-consuming than I originally thought. So this is one of the last blogs that I drafted during the first training. Another day, another blog, another training.... :)

Stream of Consciousness :: What makes a great teacher?
good listener. strong desire to share information in a way that makes sense to the individual student. will try different methods to convey the message until the light bulb goes off. tries to find parallels between subject matter and everyday life. patience. observant. gracious. realizes that each person's potential varies. realizes the students' merits.

love/compassion. confidence. acceptance. inspiring. enthusiastic. humor. flexibility. positive. modifications. clear language. creativity. modesty. always a student. remember where you come from. "remember the days of humble beginnings."

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